Loan Repayment Assessment
When exploring a potential loan repayment or scholarship program, it’s important to assess your risk!
These questions can help you start:
Eligibility Requirements
- Is your discipline/profession included?
Service Commitment
- How long are you obligated to the program for?
HPSA Score
- Is it required you work in a HPSA to apply for loan repayment?
- If so, how high of a HPSA score has been needed for approval in the past?
Repayment Obligations
- What are the penalties if you back out of the service you’ve committed to?
Financial Benefits
- What amount of money (or other financial incentive) will you receive?
Application Requirements
- Are there certain requirements you must meet to apply?
- If so, what are they?
Tax Liability
- Some financial incentives can be subject to income tax!
- Be certain you are aware of any pertinent tax laws.
- NHSC programs are exempt from both state and federal income tax.
- Remember that even if you are going to work in a state with no income tax, there may be federal income tax to consider if a program is not exempt.
- When in doubt, check with your accountant.
Reporting Requirements
- Do you (or your employer) have to report any data back to your funder during the time you’re participating in the program?
- What do you have to report?
- When do you have to report it?